
Doublertat is a project I've been working on for over 10 years. In it, I combine my interests in alternative biology, concept art, brutalism, futurism and electronic culture of the 80s


This section provides general information and history of the Moir-ke civilization

My storylines take place on the planet Ke. Among the indigenous population, the planet, as well as the only mainland on it, is called Moir-ke.On this planet, a year and a day last somewhat longer than on Earth, and the planet itself is shrouded in nitrogen and methane haze in the upper atmosphere.Vegetation on the planet is sparse, and the climate is windy and cool. Most of the planet is steppes, plains, wastelands. However, the planet is far from dead. All plants and animals are perfectly adapted to its conditions.

And this mainland is a "mainland state", which was organized by the most common indigenous species - teshimons.In addition to them, there are nemurs on the planet - a species related to teshimons, smaller in size and leading a nocturnal lifestyle. And also marguins - a marine species that is large in size and lives on islands remote from the mainland state in family tribes.The history of the indigenous civilization has already counted many thousands of years of independent development. The main engines of progress initially were teshimons, who have a great propensity for abstract, inventive thinking. However, nemurs quickly appreciated the benefits of civilization and, moreover, also proved to be useful to progress, having outstanding mathematical thinking and memory, even if in other areas they may seem more infantile.Only marguins then and to this day stay away from civilization, remaining true to their philosophy and values.During the era of the development of radio-wave communications, the Moir-ke civilization was discovered by a more powerful race. Having established contact with teshimons, this race began to share its technologies and explain many laws of the world order. Including what contribution they themselves brought to the world and the emergence of such races as the teshimon themselves.The teshimons adopted a similar order of the world order. In exchange for technology and knowledge, they entrusted the management of their civilization to a powerful race.Soon, under their leadership, the construction of receiving portals began. Both orbital for communication, and terrestrial for the ability to move to the planets of other subordinate races that began to oversee their rule on Moir-ke.With curators, efreet crystals began to be supplied to the planet, which became the basis of technologies for teshimons. Since efrit is a link between the tangible world and "dark matter", which carries an immeasurable energy potential.

For almost two centuries, the rule of alien races continued and intensified. At the same time, it got tougher. The number of curators on the planet has grown. The requirements for the indigenous population increased, experiments grew as a result of which the planet also began to be inhabited by invasive, artificially bred races.The main requirement for teshimons was the construction of a more advanced portal on the planet, allowing the rulers themselves to arrive on the planet.Fortunately, some time ago the Teshimon began to realize the true nature of their gods and their purpose. And they did not begin to complete the construction of the portal. That gave rise to an open conflict.The clandestinely invented weapons over the years eventually helped to defeat the curators. However, the risk of re-penetration, as well as sabotage by friendly under the influence of PB, is still high.Therefore, the Teshimon continue to develop experimental technologies and Efrigent armies, which are now imprisoned by the former centers for the study of Ephren technologies. One of which is Doublertat. The main storyline of the setting revolves around this organization.

You can learn more about the world, races, technologies, political movements in the world, storylines from me personally or on the discord server.


Here are the species of my project open for creation. You can find out about other creations of my project on the servers and chats of our community.Rules for their ownership are given at the end of the section.


Population 2.5 billion
Average height 1.75M
The most numerous intelligent species, distributed throughout the mainland. These creatures are convergently similar to the primates or marsupials of the planet Earth. Their sexual demorphism is not as significant as in humans, and gender roles are blurred.Teshimons are practical and self-sufficient, it is not customary for them to flaunt their personal lives, and almost half of the population prefers a nomadic lifestyle.


Population 1 billion
Average height 2.2M
A biological species of marine outcasts that live on oceanic islands remote from the mainland. At their disposal, one might say, the whole ocean.Marguins have their own language, lead a tribal way of life and have their own somewhat wild philosophy.They have a distant common ancestor with teshimons, so these species have little external resemblance.


Population 0.4 billion
Average height 1,45M
The species most related to teshimon. But evolutionarily it lingered longer at the stage of tree creatures. This is also why nonmurs are smaller and lead a nocturnal lifestyle.Nemurs are the rarest intelligent species. Their thinking is more infantile than that of Teshimon, but their mathematical thinking is better developed. Nemurs live in the East of the mainland mainly in cities.

OWNERSHIP RULES▪️ Study the world and creatures before creating. The environment determines these creatures no less than their appearance.It is also advisable to discuss the creation with me, I am always happy to help create a canonical character with a believable biography▪️ Characters live exclusively in this world, obeying all its laws and it is forbidden to use them in other projects.But you can play with various theoretical situations with any other creatures and worlds. Feel free to do it, just don't make it canonical▪️ Do not give the character to other people who are not familiar with the project and the rules.You can also give the character to me, but I do not buy characters for money. Also, I'm not responsible if you can't sell the character▪️ You can get teshimon in any way. Create it yourself, order a reference from me or other artists, create it on the basis of mine without, or win a raffle on a boosty.


DOUBLERTAT SERVER - An English discord server where you can find all the latest information and guides on the project, as well as develop your characters with other people and just chat.DOBLERTAT CHANNEL - Russian-language telegram channel, which contains all the relevant information about the world.DOBLERCHAT - Russian-language chat where you can ask anything about the project, as
well as find friends among the owners of teshimons.
For flooding and personal communication, there is a second stage of the
chat exclusively for community members.
BOOSTY - here you can support the development of the project with your subscription and get access to:- unpublished materials and sketches on the project.
- bases for creating teshimons, marguins and so on
- participation in adopt raffle


An illegal organization that believes they must rid Moir-ke of alien technology, invasive species, and a weak, led government for the sake of everyone's safety and well-being.
Armed forces of the mainland state. They perform both patrol and security functions, as well as defensive, military ones.
The organization, which in the pre-war period was the center for the study of efren technologies. In wartime and after, it was reorganized to invent efren weapons and create an army to protect against invaders.
Exotic matter that does not interact with most classical matter. However, in this world, there are binders to capture this matter, which allows it to participate in the metabolism of living beings and be a promising source of energy.
A mineral (crystal) that binds efren and classical matter by capturing electrons from efren particles. Under electromagnetic action on the crystal, the transfer of the energy electronic potential and efren ions is possible.
Not an efrene creature [Teshimon], in whose metabolism particles of efrit are artificially included. This allows you to interact with the electromagnetic field of efren devices and get some other side effects.
For the indigenous population, this name carries many meanings. It simply means "native place" for them, which means they call both the planet itself and the mainland with the mainland state on it.
The largest unit of administrative division, practically equal to a "country" within a common mainland state.
One of the species subordinate to the False Gods, whose representatives served as curators on Moir-ka. One of the efren creatures that from birth is able to convert efren into energy and have a very strong electromagnetic field